

Well, we thought we were ready to get on the baby wagon again but we felt like we needed to wait a little bit and for good reason.

When Addi was 6 months old she got a pretty big bump on her leg from her shots. We went to lots of doctors and she eventually had it surgically removed when she was 11 months old. Fast forward a few months and we found out it had grown back. Doctor after doctor couldn't tell us what this thing was.

Until today. Addi was diagnosed with FOP or fibrodysplasia progressiva ossificans. It is a debilitating  genetic disorder that will one day render her immobile.

This is a lot to process. Our perfect little girl has a lot to overcome. Please keep her in your prayers.


Read this Article!

Bryan Kehl's big family and the blessings of adoption - Mormon Times

I just read this article about Bryan Kehl's adoption experience and it gave me the warm fuzzies. I am so glad that we have the opportunity to have an open adoption with Addi's birth family and I have always felt sad about closed adoptions. However reading this article helped me realize that the hand of the Lord can be in all adoptions. We still want open adoptions for our other children, but it is nice to see things work out for others and see happy endings, or beginnings rather for them and their families.



So I launched a preview of the new A-blog for my friends and family to see last night on facebook. We are just getting back into the adoption process and I wanted to see what people thought. I think it is pretty amazing that we already have 367 page views! I think Baby Black #2 is already way more loved than we know. This makes my heart happy.


Here we go again!

Tonight my daughter is 16 months old.

I can't believe how fast it all goes. It seems like just a few months ago that we were getting told that we couldn't have kids... a few months ago that we were putting our papers in... a few months ago that Brittani picked us to be her baby's parents... a few weeks ago that Addilynn was born.

...And now she is running all over the place, smiling with her toothy grin and saying, "mom, mom, daa-daa-daa!"

We love her so much and words can't describe how blessed we feel to have her in our home. Every day she is growing and growing, every day more a little girl and less a baby.

Daren and I grew up very close to our siblings and loved it. We want Addilynn to grow up with the same privilege and blessing, so I guess that means that we are ready to make a big announcement for our family:

We are hoping to adopt AGAIN!

We are ready to open our hearts to a new little sweetie. Addi is ready to give adorable toddler kisses to a new little brother or sister, I am ready to rock a new little munchkin to sleep each night, and Daren even admits he is ready to do diaper duty for a new little bum so we can buy the tiny diapers again! (He is also excited to love, cherish, and adore that little prince or princess just like Addi & Mommy.) Here we go again!